It took me a full year to finally have the courage to publish this “bucket list”. Every time I retrieve the list, some things would need to be changed…format, sequence, verb used. It was never finished…until now.
Last February 3, 2015, I posted My “Unwritten” Bucket List: 18 Things To Do. I called it TTD (Things To Do) List. Those were the first 18 things on my bucket list: 11 achieved, 5 not doable or applicable anymore and 1 was superseded…so these will be excluded in this list. The remaining 1 will be part of this list.
My Bucket List started as a simple and straightforward but random list of all the things I want to do before I die. Then I changed it according to categories below but in so doing, I realized that some of the things will be listed in several categories, so I scrapped it and and return to the original list.