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Daday's Kitchen

Daily Log: It’s Been A Year Madey…

The Day God Took You Home
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It’s been a year since you left us…forever…and it seemed like yesterday…the pain in my heart…the tears of missing you. The realization that I would never see you…again…or hear your gentle voice calling me Nene…ever again. 

Will it be like this? When sadness overtook all reasons…and I will feel the pain of losing you…of longing to be with you…even just for a while.

Will the tears stop falling? Will the pain go away and be replaced with just a dull ache? Will the longing fade away? Will I stop missing you? In time???

One thing is sure...July...my birth month...will always be bittersweet. It's the time of year that "God took you home"...the same time I was born...through you from God.

One of my favorite pictures of you. Taken during our trip to Hundred Islands, Alaminos, Pangasinan last December 22, 2013
I missed you so much Madey. And much as I want to remember your smile and the warmth of your love...but the pain won't go away.

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